I’ve got a new blog, so I’m broadening my horizons
I have opinions. Those of you who know me from the various forums I inhabit or have had any conversations are well aware of this. I like to think of myself as forthright.. most people aren’t that kind when they describe me lol
I’ve set up a new blog. http://hubpages.com/_knlvm8mtfmi3/profile/Alexia+Cournoyer Here I’m going to rant about all manner of things, both second and real life stuff.
My first real post will be a multi-part tutorial on increasing your flickr hits. A couple of years ago I was queen of the hits on flickr and I picked up a lot of useful information in the process. Once I stopped taking my own advice the stream fell into obscurity. So I know it works 🙂
It should be on the site in the next few days. So check it out if you use a photo hosting site and are interested in getting your pictures more widely seen. Although my main experience is with flickr, the tips can be applied to all photo sites.
This blog will still continue with my new releases (stop laughing, my new years resolution is to actually finish some of my outstanding builds) and various other things directly related to my Second Life.