All of you who work for LL are complicit in the decline. You’re spoilt teenagers who take the piss by ignoring the business needs of the company as you stroke yourselves, and each other, as you indulge in things that look great on the CV.
Viewer 2? you knew it was a crock 6 months before you released it but bullish testosterone made you release it anyway. If it wasn’t for the valiant efforts of the TPV peeps you would have haemorrhaged even more customers.
GSA6 – the most staggering of business cockups I think I’ve ever seen from LL.. you can’t even console yourself that your business case was sound. Before you even released it, it was apparent that it wasn’t going to work because you had no idea what you were doing.
All the jigging around with the jira? childish nonsense in the extreme. If you guys are such special snowflakes that you can’t take people listing the faults they’ve found along with people using it as the only channel left to try to talk to you then perhaps you need to look at getting another job – or improving the quality of your deliverables.. your choice.
Windlight, mesh, pathfinding and a myriad of other things that you released, despite them being sub standard.. then went off to play with other shinies because it doesn’t matter about the quality, you’ve released it to another round of applause from the onanists in the company.
Apparently management still ignores and despises its workers and both the management and the minions despise us. If it wasn’t for the simple fact that SL is the digital equivalent of crystal meth, you’d have been out of business years ago.
You remind me of the popular perception of Nero. Enough is enough guys. Reality really does need to impinge on whatever drug fuelled fantasy you’re living (I like drug fuelled fantasies but I’m damned if I can relate to yours…) and for those of you who are just doing this to make your cv look better.. screw you, this is our Second Life you’re fucking with.
The excuse that this is bleeding edge won’t work any more.. the reality is you just don’t care enough to want to make this a success. Christ, you care so little that you even screwed over your paying Creatorverse customers if the reviews are to be believed (and I do, you guys lost credibility years ago).
Have you noticed people don’t care enough to really complain any more? When people stop caring they leave but then you don’t actually give a flying fuck whether we’re here or not, do you? We just irritants that get in the way of you having a good time.
Stop disregarding for your customers – they’re the people who put up with your shoddy output and pay your wages. You should have noticed by now that there’s less and less of us. Everyone has their breaking point and you guys certainly push it. You are the only company that I have ever seen that openly despises their customers (1 April 2007 was only only one of a long line of insults that you’ve thrown at us down the years. Yeah, I have a long memory, sue me).
I’m not even going to talk about the way you’ve ignored your content creators. We are such a small percentage of the grid (I’d guess about 1-2% profitable and another couple of percent who generously have nothing but freebies). Without us, you’d have nothing but barren earth and yet you barely acknowledge our contribution, let alone trying to make it easier for us to flourish.
Peak concurrency is less than 60k now and declining. You’d rather gnaw a limb off than ever give us what we want. How fucking hard would it be to get the deformer in? Everything else you put in is substandard so why the sudden application of real world standards for this piece only? Every other company that wants to survive and thrive actually tries to give their customers what they want – you guys behave as if you’d rather drive the company into the ground than do that. Oh wait! you are.
SL came before facebook and should have been an equivalent monster, instead it’s a photogenically beautiful but declining farce that still doesn’t have a proper bridge to the 2d world. Blame M all you like for the terrible decisions but at least his stuff was about customers, not features that no one really gives a fuck about.
This shit is getting serious now, we’re about to go into the northern hemisphere summer decline and there’s a good chance that a percentage of those people won’t come back.
I’m calling shenanigans Rod and I’m calling you out. Come on, debate me if you dare, I’ll even let you name the place and set the ground rules but I want to know how all these broken features improved your bottom line as they sure as hell haven’t aided user or content creator retention. Tell me what your vision is, as I’m not seeing anything more than people killing time with their pet projects until the company goes tits up. I want to know what your short, medium and long term objectives are and what your strategy is to achieve them.
You lot may not care about SL in any way other than putting stuff on your cv but there’s still a lot of us who still believe in the mind blowing potential of Philip’s vision and know you’re selling it, and us, short.
It’s time to stop hiding and time start talking.