Virtual Worlds

never underestimate the power of female flesh…

  (this was originally posted on Alexia’s MySpace page back in 2007 but since it looks like MySpace will be closing it’s doors soon I’m rescuing the posts I can find and putting them here)

posted 4 pics today and as usual my guess as to what would be popular was completely out… i posted an average pic of a woman bending over without panties on and it had 500 hits in the first hour and a half!!! and it looks like it’s going to be my first pic to hit 1000 views.. up until then the pic you see in my profile was my most popular – and that still has probably another 70 views before it hits 1000.. i really like the pic and was looking forward to it achieving my next milestone.. sadly it looks like it’s going to be a campers bum instead.. *groan*

It’s just like the one that is most favoured i.e. marked as a favourite by people, is a pic of a sign i took.. I have soooooo many lovely pics.. even flickr has put the campers bum in my top 5 of what it calls ‘interesting’…. sniff

after i made that comment one of the people looking at the pic called me a hit whore because i’d commented that i should just post smut to get the views.. and she’s right, I’m going to become a hit whore.. I’d already gone through my hard drive looking for pics to post as I’m so busy setting up the gallery that I haven’t been anywhere interesting in ages.. so I’ve just included a few tasteful nudes to spice things up.. even one of me, after all I ask so many people to get their kit off it’s only fair that I do to.. and it’s a lovely pic to boot 🙂

Tomorow is downtime day.. this is when the big views happen as people who can’t get into sl turn to flickr for their fix.. I have a couple of beautiful ones of me that I’m going to post.. I look like the faerie queen.. I’d decided to go shopping and the first shop i went into had the most beautiful dress imaginable.. so i bought it and of course rather than going out and dancing or being admired in it, i went and took pics.. hmmmm my priorities are a little skewed sometimes I think.. anyway… if you’re passing flickr tomorrow, check out the pics.. it’s on my list to reduce the size of them so i can post them here… it’s just that it hasn’t crept too high up the list..

This gallery thingy this Sunday is my next major deadline.. there just doesn’t seem to be enough hours in the day to work for a living and carry on a full second life… 🙁