Virtual Worlds

Coming along nicely

(this was originally posted on Alexia’s MySpace page back in 2007 but since it looks like MySpace will be closing it’s doors soon I’m rescuing the posts I can find and putting them here)

the gallery build is done.. so nice when you have a professional do it. It looks sensational!

Although I may need to redesign it, but I haven’t told the builder yet. The guy who built my first house ended up hiding his online status from me because he got sick of me asking for one more thing…. need to be a bit more crafty this time 🙂

Still need to find models for the shoot yet. must admit I’m making that a low priority. I did do some work for a company the other day. interesting, but only as far as keeping my hand in with shooting in the wild… so to speak 🙂

The prim limit is driving me crazy.. can’t put my stuff in as there’s no room.. am still thinking about just how I’m going to get around this one..

But all things being equal, I’m going to have my opening on Sunday 20 May.

Then I’m going to find a beach and watch the world go by.