
My Wishlist of Policies for Labour

Some of these are already on the labour Party’s list but here’s my quick and dirty wish list to start to make the country more equitable.  It’s not complete but it’s a start. You’d like to hope that each of the shadow cabinet is making their policy list as we speak but the media is consumed with the chaos and nastiness of the leadership contest,  no real information is making it through the noise.


  • Give the government the ability to block takeovers in the national interest,
  • Funding and supporting HMRC in the pursuit of tax avoiding companies and high income individuals,
  • A Tobin tax on shares and money markets,
  • Capital gains tax on all properties, with a reduced rate for the primary residence.


  • Reinstate the Educational Maintenance Allowance,
  • Reduce uni fees and reintroduce grants,
  • Propose a deal for key workers. For each year worked for NHS, education or other public services, there will be 6 months of uni fees are refunded if paid for through student loan.  For example: for a 3 year degree, after 6 years of working for NHS the debt is wiped.
  • Reverse academisation of schools.


  • Review and downgrade surveillance bill. Cease bulk data collection and participation in the 5 eyes programme,
  • Cancel trident renewal.  Doesn’t meet any financial or security objectives.


  • Pass law that excludes MPs from voting on bills where they have received a donation from a relevant industry donor or party,
  • Review lobbying law and tighten,
  • Reduce the voting age to 16.



  • Shortage of quality, low priced housing has lead to market failure,
  • Unscrupulous landlords provide poor quality, expensive housing,
  • Estate agents take advantage of renters with unacceptable fees,
  • Low wages relative to house prices excludes people from house purchase.


  • Only UK residents can purchase residential properties,
  • Corporations must be UK registered to purchase property,
  • Resolve the issue of transfer pricing,
  • Enable councils to surcharge buy to leave properties,
  • Build more council (not social) housing to relieve the pressure at the bottom end,
  • Require all landlords to be licenced by the council before any property can be let,
  • Make the bond registry office compulsory,
  • Ban estate agent fees to tenants,
  • Ban right to buy.


  • Impose a maximum 45 hr week on all clinical staff for safety reasons,
  • Resource appropriately, including imposing minimum nursing levels per ward,
  • Review waiting times and impose sanctions on NHS areas that manipulate them (currently it’s better to have one person wait 20 hrs than 4 people wait 5 hours, so bad luck if you’re the one),
  • Resolve financial issues around PFI,
  • Fund the NHS appropriately.


  • Allow councils to bring services back in house,
  • Fund councils appropriately for the level of obligatory care they are required to provide,
  • Require councils to build council managed housing,


  • A basic state income (sometimes called Universal Basic Income),
  • An increase in minimum wage,
  • Removal of zero hours contracts as they stand – there should be minimum guaranteed hours and defined reasons for contract termination and notice periods,
  • Review the DWP approach and success to meeting objectives and outcomes and refine.  Moratorium on sanctions until review complete,
  • Review success of outsourced DWP courses and cancel contracts of those who fail to deliver appropriate outcomes.


  • Encourage more use of public transport,
  • Better funding for public transport outside of SE,
  • Renationalising the railways.


  • Set up the Orgreave investigation,
  • Expand preschool childcare,
  • Expand after-school and school holiday care.

This is just the basics but it would be a good start.