
Adelaide Weather

Let me tell you, Adelaide is a great place to retire to.  However, if you’re younger and a little more lively that’s probably not much of a recommendation.  Adelaide is actually a great place to go hang out in for a while.  After big cities where everything is a struggle to get around, Adelaide is a lovely place to kick back and be a hedonist for a while.

My favourite time to go is between November to early March.  Mainly because the weather (with the exception of around mid to late December) is just perfect.  Dry heat, blue skies and all round niceness.  Be warned though, there’s always a heat wave in mid January which will take all the fun out of going out if you’re not used to the weather.  Really, it’s the only place in the world that I’ve ever been to (apart from the Sahara) that you can feel the moisture being sucked out of your skin as you step into the sunshine.  By mid February though it starts getting chilly (read cold) in the evenings.

Always carry a water bottle, wear sunscreen and sun glasses and you’ll be fine.