
Things that don't really fit anywhere else.

  • Miscellanea

    Cayova – A new social media site

    There’s a new social media site in town and it’s called Cayova. It appears to be based on the Google+ design but has one important difference, it gives you the ability to manage your privacy when visiting websites.  It’s UK based and allows you to block the cookies that track your browsing history or you can allow them access and Cayova will charge the companies a fee, part of which it will pass onto you. … Read the rest

  • Miscellanea,  Travel

    Phote Me Booths go green

    The Photo Me booths in supermarkets have gone green.  So if you need to get a passport or visa photo done in the middle of the night, forget it.  They’re on a timer and switch off at 11pm at night.  Don’t believe anything else a supermarket tells you, I ended up on a wild goose chase through South London trying to find one working as each supermarket told me a different tale. … Read the rest

  • Miscellanea

    Have a cool yule everyone :)

    The compliments of the season (and those other various mealy mouthed ways of avoiding wishing people a Merry Christmas) to everyone. For all of you who do celebrate the day in whatever form, I wish you a joyous day filled with love and laughter. … Read the rest

  • Miscellanea

    Buying a television licence in the UK

    Did you know that despite paying for an annual licence, the first year you get one you probably won’t get it for the full year?  Apparently due to the cost of actually billing you on your anniversary, they actually end the licence on the last day of the month prior to you buying it.… Read the rest

  • Miscellanea

    HTC phones

    For years HTC phones have had a habit of heating up and doing strange things when their storage gets close to full – nothing has changed.  Before you buy yourself a new phone ask yourself if you really want to end up having to deal with a defective phone down the line – particularly when google doesn’t make it easy to back up android phones and you’ll probably lose data and days of your life as you have to reinstall everything again on the new phone.

  • Miscellanea

    Virgin Mobile

    For some reason Virgin Mobile doesn’t get that it’s a service provider.  Ring them on a sunday or bank holiday and you’ll find you can’t do those little things like talk about your account or buy a new phone.

  • Miscellanea

    Vision Express

    Vision Express will try to sell you insurance when you buy glasses.  After seeing the way my local branch people handle the glasses when adjusting them and in general, you’ll need it as their handling is more brute than professional. When you buy your glasses you have 30 days to return them if you’re not happy. … Read the rest

  • Miscellanea

    Do you trust your LinkedIn connections?

    LinkedIn do make a point of reminding you not to connect with people you don’t actually know and it’s worth reiterating that again in light of feature that allows you to export your LinkedIn connections. You can export your connections list either to email or as a .csv… Read the rest

  • Miscellanea,  Virtual Worlds

    Just A Random Thought On Art in Second Life And In General

    If your only motivation for making art is to sell it and your main intellectual preoocupation is not the work itself but how to productise it, then you’re not an artist. You’re just a self-stocking shop. Hazel Dooney: How Not To Sell Your Soul http://www.homepagedaily.com/Pages/article6793-hazel-dooney-how-not-to-sell-your-soul.aspx… Read the rest

  • Miscellanea

    Google Employs Racists. Who would have thought it???

     Who would have thought it?  From the company that claims its mantra is “Do no evil” , its Ad-Sense filters perpertrates a vicious stereotype that left me amazed. I’ve started on a new blogging site and the site uses Ad-Sense as one of the tools to put ‘relevant’ ads on the page. … Read the rest

  • Miscellanea

    I’ve got a new blog, so I’m broadening my horizons

    I have opinions.  Those of you who know me from the various forums I inhabit or have had any conversations are well aware of this.  I like to think of myself as forthright..  most people aren’t that kind when they describe me  lol I’ve set up a new blog. … Read the rest