
Articles from my travels

  • History,  Travel

    St James’ Church in Ravenfield, Yorkshire

    This is the first in an occasional series of sites that will not be included in any Independent Traveller’s Guide. It’s in the same basic layout (but slightly more expanded here) as listings are in the guides. Designed by the architect John Carr of York (who designed The Crescent in Buxton) and built in 1756 for Elizabeth Parkin (1703 – 1766) who was the lady of the Manor at Ravenfield Hall.… Read the rest

  • Travel

    Internet News Channels – World Wide Internet TV (WWITV)

    During my moseying around the internet looking for interesting TV channels to watch on my travels, I found the Netherlands based  World Wide Internet TV (WWITV) website. It claims to list over 300 different internet TV channels that you can watch. … Read the rest

  • Travel

    Internet News Channels Part 7 – Iran’s Press TV

    Part 7 of my news stations you can watch while travelling series. This time it’s Iran’s Press TV. Press TV is based in Iran and primarily reports on issues in the Middle East and North Africa with at least half an hour a day of Iranian news.… Read the rest

  • Travel

    Internet News Channels Part 6 – Al Jazeera

    This is part 6 of my news stations you can watch while travelling series. This time it’s Al Jazeera Al Jazeera broadcasts from Qatar but you wouldn’t know it.  Its focus is the Middle East and they’re probably the best for the range of international news but for domestic news, you’ll be waiting a long time.… Read the rest

  • Travel

    Internet News Channels Part 5 – Japan’s NHK World

    Here’s Part 5 of my news stations you can watch while travelling series. Today it’s Japan’t NHK world NHK World is another paid for subscription but it does have a small live broadcast insert on its homepage. If you click on the 512k radio button you’ll get a pop-out that is more viewer friendly.… Read the rest

  • Travel

    Internet News Channels Part 4 – China’s CCTV

    Here’s part 4 of my news stations you can watch while travelling series. This time it’s the Chinese broadcaster CCTV. China’s CCTV has changed from an international broadcaster of their domestic rolling news station to creating a US focussed international station. … Read the rest

  • Travel

    Booking your travel using Bitcoins

    You may be aware that the virtual currency Bitcoins is becoming more popular as more people use them.  There’s at least one pub here in London that takes them (the Pembury Tavern) and The Old Shoreditch Station cafe that also takes them. … Read the rest

  • Travel

    Internet News Channels Part 3 – EuroNews

    Here’s the third part of my news stations you can watch while travelling series. This time it’s Euronews. I can’t always get Euronews to play on the app and when it does it doesn’t rotate to landscape view so it’s not as much of a favourite as the others but the range of reporting means it should be on your list to check out. … Read the rest

  • Travel

    Internet News Channels Part 2 – BBC World

    BBC world is subscription only, so unless your hotel has it, you won’t be able to have access to it.  I’ve always been unhappy that even with a TV licence I couldn’t access it here in the UK. The BBC is the BBC and while it may appear more impartial than other stations, it does toe the government line. … Read the rest

  • Travel

    Internet News Channels Part 1 – RT Russia Today

    Ahh Russia Today, you can’t beat it for sarcasm and laughs.  It appears to have newsrooms in both the US and Russia and runs both global and US versions of its English language channel.  Both channels have a US focus that takes the news and gives a different perspective on US interests around the world and at home. … Read the rest

  • Travel

    Travelling Around the World of Internet News Channels

    I haven’t been travelling much down the last few months, a couple of daytrips does not a trip make…  So since I’m here in London and kicking back in the sunshine, I thought I do a series of posts that run through of the various English language rolling news TV networks that are around.… Read the rest

  • Travel

    Clear you cookies before you go looking for travel bargains

    Did you know that your search history can affect the price you pay for goods when you shop on the web?  Neither did I.  This article in the Guardian suggests otherwise though. Search data, he says, “is arguably the most personal data people are entering into anything.… Read the rest

  • Miscellanea,  Travel

    Phote Me Booths go green

    The Photo Me booths in supermarkets have gone green.  So if you need to get a passport or visa photo done in the middle of the night, forget it.  They’re on a timer and switch off at 11pm at night.  Don’t believe anything else a supermarket tells you, I ended up on a wild goose chase through South London trying to find one working as each supermarket told me a different tale. … Read the rest

  • Travel

    Driving in other countries

    If you are planning on driving in other countries when you are travelling you should get an International Driver’s Permit.  They’re cheap and it means that you shouldn’t have any problems with hiring a car or leave yourself open to requests for bribes or other trouble in some parts of the developing world. … Read the rest

  • Travel

    Official travel advice provided by your home country

    Your home country will most probably provide what is called “travel advice”.  This is information on the risks and dangers they’ve identified with their nationals travelling to other countries.  Virtually every country in the world has a travel advisories against it. … Read the rest

  • Travel

    Renewing your UK Passport

    A lot of countries won’t let you in if your passport is within 6 months of expiry.  If you have a UK passport, you can renew it up to 9 months before it expires and when its renewed it includes the unexpired period of the previous passport in the validity time.… Read the rest

  • Travel

    Have you got your European Health Insurance Card (EHIC)?

    If you are resident in an EU country and travel in the EU, you should have an European Health Insurance Card.  This entitles you to access the national health care system of the country you are in if you get sick or injured in Europe and you need treatment. … Read the rest

  • Books,  Travel

    Amazon Kindle Freebie Time – The Independent Traveller’s Guide to Tropical Getaways – This weekend only

    This weekend, Immersive Digital and Amazon Kindle eBooks give you a chance to download a copy of the Independent Traveller’s Guide to Tropical Getaways for free. The promotion lasts from 8am BST (UK) Saturday 18th May until 8am BST Monday 20th of May and I’d really appreciate some reviews or feedback, either via Amazon or drop me a line here.… Read the rest

  • Travel

    Taxis from Heathrow

    If you don’t fancy lugging your bag down to the Underground or using the Heathrow Express, you can consider catching a cab.  There’s a black cab booking desk in the Arrivals Hall of each terminal which will give you a better deal than if you just jump in one and have a metered fare. … Read the rest

  • Travel

    KLIA gate scans

    When you go through to the gate you’ll have your baggage scanned.  They also want you to take your cameras out and be put in the tray as well as your laptop.