Virtual Worlds

Christmas is coming!

I got a little carried away and created this, a wonderful animated Christmas snow globe that has Santa squeezing down the chimney.

The *NDC* Christmas Snow Globe
The *NDC* Christmas Snow Globe

Isn’t he cute??  I’ve sized it so it’s perfect for you keep on your mantle or to send to friends as your Christmas greeting.

The snow is started/stopped by touch and when started Santa gives his Christmas greeting, wishing person touching it a Merry Christmas and a peaceful and prosperous New Year (with a few Ho, Ho, Ho’s thrown in 🙂 )

Small enough to fit on your mantle piece but large enough to see.

Sadly, the animation doesn’t seem to show in the pic, but if you click on it you’ll see it in all its glory.

I’ve not put it up inworld yet, but you can buy it from both OnRez and XSL.

The compliments of the season to you all, I hope Santa brings you everything you wish for.


And don’t forget I’m havig the opening party for my exhibition next Saturday!! 22nd November @ 1pm SLT @ level 4 Satiated Desires (no, I still haven’t got it together to get a slurl for it..  but I will! 🙂 )


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    …and while I was setting up the exhibition I made a few christmassy things.. « Alexia Cournoyer: Alexia in Wonderland