Virtual Worlds

Gallery & Shop Reopening


The Art Thing @ Zindra

I’ve been releasing my art under the shop name of The Art Thing for the last 18 months or so and my other non art things under the brand NDC for years, I’ve kept both brand names but now with the redesign they inhabit the same space. 

When LL moved all the adult content to Zindra I had a choice to remove my erotic art and continue to sell the rest, close down or move.  I did close the gallery and shop and only had a limited selection of my sculptures and wall art on display in Zindra but now I have finally remodelled to include everything and am officially reopened.   

It still escapes me how a nipple is considered to be beyond the pale but extreme violence is ok for the pg areas.  LL demonstrates decidedly skewed values but it’s their game so it’s their rules.

The shop and gardens are here:  It’s on a hill leading down to the river and it’s a lovely setting.   The SLURL should take you to a landing spot by the river and then it’s a stroll up the hill through the sculpture garden to the shop.  There’s a couple of my sculptures that I’ve released in the last 12 months and a few other new bits and bobs.

If you can’t get to Zindra there’s a small sample of my range on Xstreet SL.  For those of you who can get over to the smutty side, I’ve also got a spot at the Zindra Unzipped expo that’s on at the end of the month, so come and check it out.  You can’t miss my stand, I’m beside the guy who sells birds (of the feathered variety) and got his tits caught in the LL naughty word filter last year..  His stand is 3 huge roosters (I’ll leave you to work it out 😉 ) and I’m just a couple of stands down from Elf Valley – which is a beautiful sim with no smut either.  Who would have thought it huh?  Yet Zindra is becoming the choice for a lot of people because it appears to keep a lot of the griefers and other undesirables away. 

Whatever you think Zindra is, it probably is and more beside but it’s also a lot more layered than that.  There are some beautiful places there that have nothing to do with whatever you think adult content is and you’re doing yourself a disservice by ignoring them.

The shop hasn’t covered its costs since the forced relocation because it’s not whatever extreme sex idea most people have when they think of Zindra and adult, so no one ever looks in adult when they use search for art or romance things.  I’m certainly not going to be able to change people’s minds on what they think is here but I do ask that when you go looking for things it won’t kill you to also check in the adult search – you just never know what you’ll find.