
Internet News Channels – World Wide Internet TV (WWITV)

During my moseying around the internet looking for interesting TV channels to watch on my travels, I found the Netherlands based  World Wide Internet TV (WWITV) website.

It claims to list over 300 different internet TV channels that you can watch.  As a way to dip into various channels around the world, you can’t beat it.  There’s many different categories but my favourite is that the list can be broken down by country.  Although you will find most of them are in the language of the country, so be prepared for disappointment if you don’t speak the lingo.

If you’re feeling in need of broadening your horizons or are stuck in an airport waiting for a plane, this is definitely worth checking out.

If you have a thing about webcams, they also have a list of interesting webcams from around the world. You may need to download the Windows Media Player Firefox plugin if you’re using Firefox though. Life is never simple 😉

and that ends my roundup of news channels that you can watch wherever you have a wifi connection.  If you know of any more, let me know and I’ll give them a whirl.