Virtual Worlds

Is Patterns the gateway drug to second life?

Since the announcement of patterns and the stablemates it’s

Thanks to Inara Pey’s post I was directed to this interview with Rod Humble on second life.  The title is somewhat misleading but at least it wasn’t a “where are they now” article which

how is the impact of the demise of phoenix, whose users make up something like 30% of the grid, be managed? This will be a major disruption which has the very real potential to adversely affect login and concurrency numbers.

Revenues have not decreased despite declining concurrency and high value items, how will these revenues be maintained in light of declining concurrency and the continual decline in the subscription to high value products? Do you believe the impact  that the correlation between less land being needed to display content for sale due to the market penetration of slm and declining content creator income will stabilise

What is the vision for SL?  With each new feature sl has moved from being a sandbox to a more structured environment where non sl skillsets are required to create content.  The user base is now becoming segmented into consumers and creators where previously the line between them has been more fluid.  Have you done any projections on how many people are going to pay you to provide land for them to take up using the new features that have been offered to create content to provide entertainment for the consumers of the sl product that so far has resisted any attempt at monetisation?