PSC Update 14 January. Israel Admits Breaking the Ceasefire.
ISRAEL ADMITS BREAKING THE CEASEFIRE For 18 days the Israeli Government has justified to the world that their decision to unleash a massive military campaign against the people of Gaza was as a direct result of Hamas’ breach of the ceasefire brokered by the Egyptian Government.… Read the rest
Day 18 – Gaza Update from Palestine Solidarity Campaign
Palestine Solidarity Campaign Box BM PSA London WC1N 3XX Tel: 020 7700 6192 Fax: 020 7609 7779 Email: info@palestinecampaign.org Web: www.palestinecampaign.org ~~~~~~~~~ 917 dead – 3056 injured ~~~~~~~~~~ News from the Front Line PSC has obtained detailed evidence of the war crimes being committed by the Israeli Defence force.… Read the rest
ISM Media Update 13 January 09
from: http://www.palsolidarity.org European MEPs enter Gaza (Gaza, January 11, 2009) Luisa Morgantini, Vice President of the European Parliament, and the MEPs delegation entered to Gaza Strip, today 11th January 2009, through Rafah border crossing. The delegation composed by 8 MEPs belonging to different political groups and by one Member of the Italian Senate – will stay in Gaza from Saturday 10 to Tuesday 13 January, when the MEPs will come back to Strasbourg to report back about the situation to the Plenary session of the EU Parliament and they will hold a press conference.… Read the rest
London Demo 10 January 09. Collective Punishment in the UK. We’re All Palestinians Now
“Collective punishment is the punishment of a group of people as a result of the behaviour of one or more other individuals or groups. The punished group may often have no direct association with the other individuals or groups, or direct control over their actions.”… Read the rest
Saint Valentine’s Day Present Ideas
Valentine’s day is coming soon (February 14th for those who have forgotten) and it’s time to start thinking about gifts for your special somone. So let me make a couple of suggestions from my catalogue: The Infinite Heart A one prim sculpture representing infinite love. … Read the rest
London Demo 10 Jan 09: Part 1. The beginning of the protest
I started to write this last night – I didn’t get home from the demonstration until around 10.30pm, thanks to some heavy handed policing that meant I got to relive the not-so-joys of collective punishment, only this time UK style. Everything hurt and my ankles, knees, hips and back had all seized up from being forced to stand in the bitter cold for 4 hours.… Read the rest
The Demolition of Rafah
1) The Demolition of Rafah (Gaza, 7th January 2009) Jenny Linnel a British ISM volunteer in Rafah said following escalated Israeli attacks in Rafah, “Shortly before midnight on the 6th of January, missiles began raining down on Rafah in one of the heaviest Israeli air strikes since the current atrocities began.… Read the rest
Free Gaza Movement: News Release. Emergency Boat to Leave Cyprus for Gaza.
Free Gaza Movement: We are coming back, and we are putting Israel on notice FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (Larnaca, Cyprus, January 7, 2009) Today the Free Gaza Movement put Israel on notice that we are sending another emergency boat to Gaza. .… Read the rest
Gaza Demonstration London 10 January 09 – Speaker List and other things
The speaker list has now been finalised. STOP THE WAR COALITION UPDATE 09 January 2009 Email office@stopwar.org.uk T: 020 7278 6694 Web: http://www.stopwar.org.uk 1) BE AN INSTANT NEWS MAKER If you are a marcher at the demonstration on Saturday 10 January who has a mobile phone with internet access, you can be an instant news maker.… Read the rest
Palestine Latest: 9 January 2009
To my friends in Gaza, our thoughts are with you in this terrible time. We can’t be there with you, but we’re doing what we can to try and stop this. Please stay strong. To everyone else, please support us in our quest to end this invasion of Gaza and help us bring peace and justice to the Palestinians.… Read the rest
Google Employs Racists. Who would have thought it???
Who would have thought it? From the company that claims its mantra is “Do no evil” , its Ad-Sense filters perpertrates a vicious stereotype that left me amazed. I’ve started on a new blogging site and the site uses Ad-Sense as one of the tools to put ‘relevant’ ads on the page. … Read the rest
I’ve got a new blog, so I’m broadening my horizons
I have opinions. Those of you who know me from the various forums I inhabit or have had any conversations are well aware of this. I like to think of myself as forthright.. most people aren’t that kind when they describe me lol I’ve set up a new blog. … Read the rest
Happy New Year!
Best wishes for a fabulous 2009 🙂
Happy Christmas everyone!
May you have a wonderful Christmas.
XSL Winter Wonderland
Xstreet SL is having a yuletide bash on the 20th of December. They’ve created a beautiful sim with the theme ‘Winter Wonderland’ which will be open until the New Year. That snowglobe of mine made it into the goodie bag they’re giving out, they obviously agree with me that there are not enough snowglobes in this world!! … Read the rest
…and while I was setting up the exhibition I made a few christmassy things..
Partway through setting up the exhibition I decided to make a christmas snowglobe.. then got a little carried away and made some christmassy footstools… So here they are.. I just loved the textures as soon as I saw them and they go so well with the footstools.… Read the rest
:) Exhibition over and one happy “artiste” with her feet up (sans booze)
Well, I’ve just packed away the exhibition and it’s been fun. During the last couple of weeks I’ve had a chance to catch up with people I haven’t seen in ages and it’s all been good 🙂 The opening night was great, lots of people passing through to say hello and check it out.. … Read the rest
The Exhibition Opening Is Tonight!! (well, it will be for me anyway :) )
It’s been a long two weeks but everything is finally ready to go. I hope.. Never got the dancefloor organised (I didn’t have time to find a DJ – two weeks is just not long enough) but everything else is in place – right down to an icecream cart for those of you who need a choc top when you’re looking at art.… Read the rest
Christmas is coming!
I got a little carried away and created this, a wonderful animated Christmas snow globe that has Santa squeezing down the chimney. Isn’t he cute?? I’ve sized it so it’s perfect for you keep on your mantle or to send to friends as your Christmas greeting.… Read the rest
Finally – I’m creating art again in sl *big grin* So come to my exhibition opening.
I haven’t done the art thing for a long time. Many different reasons, but it’s always bothered me that I stopped doing what I loved. Building things is ok and I think I have finally nailed a scripters foot to the floor to help me finish off all the things that I am just completely incapable of hacking/creating the scripts to make work, but it’s not as satisfying as the art.… Read the rest