• Virtual Worlds

    never underestimate the power of female flesh…

      (this was originally posted on Alexia’s MySpace page back in 2007 but since it looks like MySpace will be closing it’s doors soon I’m rescuing the posts I can find and putting them here) posted 4 pics today and as usual my guess as to what would be popular was completely out… i posted an average pic of a woman bending over without panties on and it had 500 hits in the first hour and a half!!!… Read the rest

  • Virtual Worlds

    My never ending to do list

    (this was originally posted on Alexia’s MySpace page back in 2007 but since it looks like MySpace will be closing it’s doors soon I’m rescuing the posts I can find and putting them here) spent a good proportion of yesterday trying to get two scripts to run simultaneously.… Read the rest

  • Virtual Worlds

    Coming along nicely

    (this was originally posted on Alexia’s MySpace page back in 2007 but since it looks like MySpace will be closing it’s doors soon I’m rescuing the posts I can find and putting them here) the gallery build is done.. so nice when you have a professional do it.… Read the rest

  • Virtual Worlds

    SL Models Wanted

    (this was originally posted on Alexia’s MySpace page back in 2007 but since it looks like MySpace will be closing it’s doors soon I’m rescuing the posts I can find and putting them here) have found a builder to take over my creation..… Read the rest

  • Virtual Worlds

    Check This out

    Merryll – Study in red 4 Originally uploaded by nikolai_fellini. I think this is the most beautiful picture I’ve seen out of Flickr yet.

  • Virtual Worlds

    There’s no accounting for taste

    (this was originally posted on Alexia’s MySpace page back in 2007 but since it looks like MySpace will be closing it’s doors soon I’m rescuing the posts I can find and putting them here) spent the weekend rebuilding the gallery.. spent ages making sure all the walls, floors etc were aligned and then thought “i know, I’ll snap it to the grid just to make sure”.… Read the rest

  • Virtual Worlds

    I hate prim limits

    (this was originally posted on Alexia’s MySpace page back in 2007 but since it looks like MySpace will be closing it’s doors soon I’m rescuing the posts I can find and putting them here) Today i got sucked back into building the gallery… finally got it into position and of course it didn’t go where i wanted it to, but it looked so good that i took the new look and modified it a little more..… Read the rest

  • Virtual Worlds

    The Joy of Building

    (this was originally posted on Alexia’s MySpace page back in 2007 but since it looks like MySpace will be closing it’s doors soon I’m rescuing the posts I can find and putting them here) Today i went in search of new textures..… Read the rest

  • Virtual Worlds

    Frames and Intruders

    (this was originally posted on Alexia’s MySpace page back in 2007 but since it looks like MySpace will be closing it’s doors soon I’m rescuing the posts I can find and putting them here) This whole thing has been an interesting adventure so far.… Read the rest

  • Virtual Worlds

    Can Anyone Explain?

    Try as I might I really can’t get to grips with a lot of the unspoken rules of this game and one of the hardest things for me to accept about sl is the multiple avs. I have a group of people who think that I don’t notice when they turn up with a new av and start talking to me as if they’ve never met me before.… Read the rest

  • Etiquette Guides,  Virtual Worlds

    How to Behave in Second Life

    After almost 9 months inworld I think I’ve finally cracked the social mores. I’ve always thought that the residents behaved extremely oddly in their social interactions, but I thought it was just that I’m just such an odd fish that it was me.… Read the rest

  • Virtual Worlds

    All The World’s A Stage

    Have had some interesting contact with ‘people’ down the last few weeks.. Here are a few of my favourites.. Getting an IM from a dark lord asking me if I would give him my body for his pleasure – when I replied that I’d already done that to the real dark lord and he was too late, he asked if I was sure he couldn’t spill his seed in my belly!… Read the rest

  • Virtual Worlds

    Life, What Life?

    When you get hooked on SL, it gets you.. spending 12 hrs at a time online because time just vanishes, forgetting to eat, forgetting your real life… It’s so easy to do. It does get you initially as there’s all that potential… meeting people, doing things and all without leaving the house.… Read the rest

  • Virtual Worlds

    Predators and Other Undesirables

    Predators are an interesting phenomenon. Have seen it so many times in RL, usually to do with money and material possession, but also older men preying on young women.. In Second Life, it’s older avatars with newbies.. Most SL women I speak to have all been through variations of one of the three types mentioned below.… Read the rest

  • Virtual Worlds

    Sex and the Single Avatar

    Sex is much the same in Second Life as in real life, there’s plenty of talk, and I’m sure plenty of action, but not much finesse. Just like in RL, most of the straightforward types of ‘lover’ are quite easy to categorise..… Read the rest

  • Virtual Worlds

    Avatars Behaving Badly

    SL is one big holiday camp. Free from the constraints of normal society, people behave badly. It’s like how people will behave far worse to you on the phone than they ever would in real life. Yet I think that because we are so not used to interacting with strangers on a social level, we are more sensitive to real and imagined slights than we would normally be..… Read the rest

  • Virtual Worlds

    The Joy of Cybersex

    Ah, the joys of cybersex! Sex in Second Life is even more of a minefield here than it is in RL – the benefit here is that making excuses and leaving is easier, and you don’t have to try to make conversation with them over breakfast..… Read the rest