The Kindness of Strangers
My saviour teleported me out of the club to him.. I was grateful, I’d never have made it out on my own.. When I finally looked around, I saw avatar pictures of naked women.. by this stage I was so over being surprised at anything, that I didn’t even think it odd – what I did notice was that all the pictures looked like a male fantasy version of a woman..… Read the rest
Getting To Grips With The New Me…
The first few hours were all about blundering around and getting to grips with being an avatar. I learnt to walk, to fly, to move the avatar to see things.. I fell in oceans and storm water drains, fell off objects, bumped into people, buildings and things in general..… Read the rest
The Rabbit Hole
I’m not a geek in any traditional way but without my keyboard and internet access, my life is a mess… I bank online, shop for as much as humanly possible online, write letters, send large amounts of emails to my friends around the world, skype them when we’re online, create documents, download photos from my camera and am putting my entire cd collection on a hard drive or 3.… Read the rest
Through the Looking Glass
Second Life is a peculiar beast… It seems to appeal to so many minority communities. It’s called a game, but it’s not. What it is, even after 3 weeks of serious time spent there, I can’t tell you… Second Life (SL) is beginning to reach critical mass..… Read the rest