• Virtual Worlds

    Update: The latest data security breach in Second Life

    orignal post here: http://theriseofthesurreal.wordpress.com/2009/11/19/you-think-your-real-life-data-is-kept-safe-by-linden-lab-think-again/ In a nutshell:  No substantial action from LL and they claim that someone being able to log in as someone else isn’t a security breach. The two people who were involved in it talk about it here: http://www.sluniverse.com/php/vb/general-sl-discussion/37048-new-linden-lab-account-security.html… Read the rest

  • Virtual Worlds

    You Think Your Real Life Data is Kept Safe by Linden Lab? Think Again

    https://blogs.secondlife.com/message/38377#38377 and because the likelihood is that Linden Research will delete this thread to hide the evidence, I’ll repost the salient post here:   1. 19-Nov-2009 19:13 in response to: xxx Re: Office Hours and Policy Making   This assumes they’re actually interested in what the population in-general wants instead of them being interested in having the decisions they already made get validated.… Read the rest