Why do unarmed civillian protesters scare Israel so much?
The boats involved in the Freedom Flotilla II have started to set sail for Gaza. Last year this peaceful protest against Israel’s behaviour in Palestine resulted in the deaths of 9 civillians after Israel illegally boarded the ships in international waters. … Read the rest
15 Jan 09 Spirit of Humanity Update: Israel Threatens to Shoot Unarmed Civilians aboard Mercy Ship
Thursday, 15 January 2009 09:26 Written by Free Gaza Movement FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE www.FreeGaza.org For more information, please contact: (Cyprus) Lubna Masarwa, +357 97 625 828 (Cyprus) Mary Hughes, +357 99 081 767 (Gaza) Ewa Jasiewicz, +972 598 700 497 (Mediterranean Sea, 15 January 2009) – The Israeli navy today threatened to kill unarmed civilians aboard a mercy ship on its way to deliver medical supplies and doctors to besieged Gaza.… Read the rest
Free Gaza Movement: The Spirit of Humanity Has Set Sail
Sailing for Humanity At 10:30 this morning, under bright blue Mediterranean skies, the SPIRIT OF HUMANITY sailed from the port of Larnaca. Undeterred by Israeli threats of interception at sea, 21 passengers and crew waved to friends and press on shore, committed to our mission of delivering doctors, journalists, human rights observers and a shipment of medical supplies to assist the civilian population of Gaza during this emergency.… Read the rest