Ever turned up inworld and been somewhere completely different?
over the last few weeks I’ve been coming inworld to find the ‘region unavailable..’ message. I’ve ended up in some interesting welcome areas. Here are a couple: This is the Hyles Welcome Area.. It may be swamp land, but it’s good looking swamp land 🙂 and I’ve also landed at Governor Linden’s mansion..… Read the rest
This sim is owned by Princeton University (I think). It’s a remarkable build, has stunning textures and is beautifully furnished. The games room is pretty cool. It has a mah jongh set and table tennis! http://slurl.com/secondlife/Princeton%20Groups/126/125/49 This is well worth a visit.… Read the rest
/me waves hello :)
I thought it was about time I started using this blog, so here’s a friendly greeting. I know I should probably keep this to straight marketing, but old habits die hard. So what you’ll see here are the things I release and the things I see..… Read the rest