• Virtual Worlds

    Linden Lab indirectly endorses possible federal criminals – who would have thought it?

    The Emerald viewer is one of the Third Party Viewers (TPVs) registered with Linden Lab and allowed to connect to Second Life.  Down the last 12 months the developers of this viewer have sullied their reputations through unauthorised data collection of user login details, activities that would breach most consumer protection laws, unauthorised collections of data inworld and a few other activities that generally leave a bad taste in the mouth.  … Read the rest

  • Virtual Worlds

    Simplicity, Speed, Elegance aka Fast, Easy, Fun.

    I’ve finally had a chance to listen to the audio and it was interesting to see what Philip didn’t talk about – like customer service, where the Q2 report is and timescales.  That aside, the talking points for me were: Simplicity, Speed, Elegance aka Fast, Easy, Fun I must say the first sent shivers down my spine..  … Read the rest

  • Virtual Worlds

    Can Philip save the day? Tune in on Friday for another gripping installment of “The Tao of Linden”

    This Friday is the event of the season and not to be missed. Yes gentle readers, our Interim CEO and CFO/CTO are going to address the swine  (that’s us, don’tcha know).   Now apart from the sheer horror of having a bean counter in charge of technology, this little love-in is going to be interesting for reasons other than for what is said..… Read the rest

  • Virtual Worlds

    Where is the Linden Lab Second Life Q2 report?

    People maligned M, and certainly I didn’t have a lot of time for some of his *ahem* enthusiasms, but one thing I did appreciate was the quarterly report.  Yes, they started out as a work of fiction (does anyone remember the first few where the major fun to be had was picking them apart and demonstrating the inconsistencies and fallacies they indulged in?)… Read the rest

  • Virtual Worlds

    Second Life: The beginning of the end?

    I haven’t posted much this year because for a lot of it all I have seen is failure and there’s enough people out there who have been pointing this out without me adding to it.  The announcement of the redundancy of 30% of the staff at Linden Lab started me reviewing the last 4 years of watching Linden Lab as they’ve thrashed around.  … Read the rest

  • Virtual Worlds

    Gallery & Shop Reopening

      I’ve been releasing my art under the shop name of The Art Thing for the last 18 months or so and my other non art things under the brand NDC for years, I’ve kept both brand names but now with the redesign they inhabit the same space. … Read the rest

  • Virtual Worlds

    The Economic Truth of Earning Income in Second Life

     For most of Second Life’s existence, Linden Lab has pushed the idea of users of the service being able to make money from their labours. This line is apparently being pushed again from the appearance of articles extolling the financial opportunities in Second Life[1].… Read the rest

  • Virtual Worlds

    When Two Worlds Collide… Part 2

    © Alexia Cournoyer. 2009  All rights reserved. Fringe acts are always hard to review, simply because the standards that would normally be applied to professional performances aren’t directly relevant.  A lower bar has to be used in judging or the reviewer is not being fair.… Read the rest

  • Virtual Worlds

    What price to recommend Second Life to others?

    Linden Lab have begun their (extremely) low key advertising in an attempt to increase their userbase.  In the last 24 hours I’ve seen the new YouTube ad [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tHx__AVAsD0] and now I’ve just seen the Winterfest push. Want to win 100,000L?  … Read the rest

  • Virtual Worlds

    Early Adopters? My F#^%ing A#%se

    These people are the early adopters of Second Life: [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KHH2CAE9Y6o] not those who came in anytime before today.. The platform is almost legacy FFS! But then Linden Lab have never been good at understanding things like the importance of credibility.  M said it* and the minions are parroting it.  … Read the rest

  • Virtual Worlds

    When the two worlds collide… The Second Death of Caspar Helendale

    You may have seen this blogpost https://blogs.secondlife.com/community/community/blog/2009/11/24/the-second-death-of-caspar-helendale.  When I saw it, I certainly couldn’t resist grabbing a ticket and allowing myself a chance to see the production from both sides of the divide. Tonight I went to the real life premiere, tomorrow I’ll be inworld for the second performance.  … Read the rest

  • Virtual Worlds

    Making a profit from charity Linden Research style

    Linden Lab are once again asking the content creators in second life to give their time and creativity to support their Public Relations marketing and bottom line.  The majority of which have just been told they’re to pay more for the same substandard marketing/sales service offered by XstreetSL.… Read the rest

  • Virtual Worlds

    Update: The latest data security breach in Second Life

    orignal post here: http://theriseofthesurreal.wordpress.com/2009/11/19/you-think-your-real-life-data-is-kept-safe-by-linden-lab-think-again/ In a nutshell:  No substantial action from LL and they claim that someone being able to log in as someone else isn’t a security breach. The two people who were involved in it talk about it here: http://www.sluniverse.com/php/vb/general-sl-discussion/37048-new-linden-lab-account-security.html… Read the rest

  • Virtual Worlds

    Where are they now?: Second Life

    Even the BBC can’t muster any enthusiasm for Second Life anymore: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/magazine/8367957.stm Some of the comments explain the lack of retention rate… Second Life is boring! You can’t do anything without spending money, so for the person casually checking it out, there’s absolutely nothing to attract them.… Read the rest

  • Virtual Worlds

    You Think Your Real Life Data is Kept Safe by Linden Lab? Think Again

    https://blogs.secondlife.com/message/38377#38377 and because the likelihood is that Linden Research will delete this thread to hide the evidence, I’ll repost the salient post here:   1. 19-Nov-2009 19:13 in response to: xxx Re: Office Hours and Policy Making   This assumes they’re actually interested in what the population in-general wants instead of them being interested in having the decisions they already made get validated.… Read the rest

  • Virtual Worlds

    Second Life Viewer 2.0. How to reduce that first hour problem

    LL have come up with the perfect solution to the first hour problem.  They’ve reduced the window to 10 minutes, well if I were a newbie and was confronted with this when I came inworld I would think 10 minutes would be about all I’d stand before going for the x and looking for something less user unfriendly.… Read the rest

  • Virtual Worlds

    Second Life: So Near And Yet So Far

    Near is preparing to release a 3D shopping area called Near London.  When I came inworld in 2006 , this kind of marketing and selling struck me as being the most optimal use of the platform for retailers. In 2006/7 there were a few token efforts at catalogue selling but the idea was never developed to anywhere near its potential.… Read the rest

  • Virtual Worlds

    Tweet of the Day

    A tweet (From a non LL employee of course) XStreetSL currently unavailable – We’re adding a category for Stolen and Ripped content, labeled “Bargain Bin.”about 6 hours ago from web  There’s nothing like a good reputation now is there?