Is politicial opportunism and wilful blindness a prerequisite for being a politician?
Two weeks ago when the story of the unauthorised access of the voicemails on Milly Dowler’s phone because news and the extent of the collusion and corruption between politicians, police and the media started to become known, politicians were nodding furiously and claiming victim status due to what they claimed was intimidation by the media.… Read the rest
Andy Coulson, the Prime Minister and a disregard for national security and reputation.
The Guardian article on the lack of a proper security clearance for Andy Coulson whilst he was working for David Cameron after he became PM as isn’t quite at the level of Freddy Starr ate my hamster, but what should have been an excellent piece on how the Prime Minister had demonstrated a carelessness with the truth and disregarded the national security policy that is in place to protect the disclosure of information to those who are not authorised to have access to the information, came across more tabloid scandal than serious journalism.… Read the rest
You know The Guardian’s front page on Coulson’s lack of security clearance? I’m claiming identifying that.
I’ve been hanging out at The Guardian’s website for the last week or so and commenting on various things that struck me as being inconsistent or wrong. I’ve had some interesting times there being a little ahead of the game, and watching how both The Telegraph and the Guardian sourced their news. … Read the rest