Virtual Worlds

Templum ex Obscurum

Templum ex Obscurum
 © Alexia Cournoyer. 2009  All rights reserved.

I went to Templum ex Obscurum. I didn’t realise just how many years it has been since I was last at Relic and it appears it has well and truly gone now 🙁  

It seems that somewhere on The Nameless Isle is this organ but I couldn’t find it. 

Relic Organ
© Alexia Cournoyer. 2007 All rights reserved.

I’ll just have to go back and have another look.. 

Templum is owned and maintained by someone else now but it is still a joy to wander through. My Flickr site has a selection of a few of the pics I took while I was having a nosey around.

As always, Baron Grayson’s sims are a visual treat to wander around and I can’t wait to see how The Nameless Isle evolves.