Virtual Worlds

The Exhibition Opening Is Tonight!! (well, it will be for me anyway :) )

It’s been a long two weeks but everything is finally ready to go.  I hope..

Never got the dancefloor organised (I didn’t have time to find a DJ – two weeks is just not long enough) but everything else is in place – right down to an icecream cart for those of you who need a choc top when you’re looking at art. 🙂

Even two weeks later I’m still excited..  I’ve had the pics up but under wraps while we’ve been sorting out the rest of the space – so I’ve not seen it completed yet.  But at 1pm PDT I’m going to unveil it and go ‘ohhh and ahhh’ 

I’ve never done the full on exhibition party thing, so it’s been novel – and incredibly time consuming!!  I wish I still had the gallery, I’m sure it would have been less stressful.  The top floor of a shop has certain limitations (even if I did build the shop) as I couldn’t really trash it to make it suit.

Soooooo, Tonight is the night (22nd November).  1 – 3pm PDT/SLT (which is 9pm GMT) is the time.  I’ve got a bar, nibbles (and the ice cream cart! 🙂 ), there’s a lucky dip and there’s the art and I’ll be the one with the big grin (ok, you won’t see it as I think the default smile animation is the stuff of nightmares, but trust me it’s there). 

The exhibition has two parts:  my inworld art which is called “The Collar” and a selection of my real world photography called “What I see”… and I’ve even completed a new sculpture called “Interconnected” which makes me even happier than creating the pics did as I’ve missed the joy of torturing prims.

So come along and join us for an hour or two.  If you miss the opening, the exhibition will be around for 2 weeks and then I’ll take it down.

Here’s the slurl  Hopefully we’ll see you there.
