Why did Jeremy Corbyn Sack Hilary Benn?
Ever wondered just what pushed Jeremy Corbyn to sack Hilary Benn? Particularly since Corbyn had been exerting a lot of effort to keep the Shadow Cabinet together?
This might be the answer. It’s a report of a press briefing held by Seumus Milne on 5 January 2015.
[…] Milne opened by telling the room that Hilary Benn, the shadow foreign secretary who was expected to have been axed over his support for bombing Isis in Syria, had agreed to a series of conditions preventing him from publicly opposing the leadership in the future.
from Has Jeremy Corbyn’s spin doctor Seumas Milne gone rogue?
If it’s true, it goes a long way to explaining why 6 months later, when Jeremy Corbyn was told that Hilary was conspiring against him and had gone to the media, he removed Mr Benn from his Shadow Cabinet post.
How this destabilisation finally plays out could take a while to reveal itself but let’s not forget the role of Mr Benn in deliberately sabotaging Labours opportunity to regain the confidence of the electorate in the post Brexit referendum when the government was leaderless and in disarray.